OK, I'll admit it. I broke an unspoken rule. I've spent parts of the last few weeks debating with a poster on YouTube. He is clearly motivated by racist ideas, as he has been posting videos which argue that the Ancient Egyptians were caucasian. He even tends to close most of his arguments by stating that when Europeans began to enslave Africans, we were still living in "the stone age".
I know. African Nationalists would do better not debating white racist. Particularly racists that don't have a basic grasp of world history. By our second email exchange, it occured to me that most of his arguments were sloppily culled from a few websites. A wise brother once told me that that wise men are better not arguing with fools ... onlookers have difficulty telling them apart.
I must say, however that I felt I needed to respond to his allegations as his videos registered thousands of hits as compared to dozens on my own. Clearly he understands what so many other racist propagandist understand. Scholarly researched articles don't reach the masses; poorly crafted arguments in public venues are much more powerful. In our modern technological world, there are few public venues more accessible than YouTube. This was the reason I offered to debate him in a neutral New York City location.
My racist poster keyed into a very powerful misnomer; the Ancient Egyptians could not be indigenous Africans. Actually, there are a blinding array of facts which prove a native African origin to the Khamites. Starting today we'll begin our weekly installments on The Udjat will make this case. This Saturday, we'll look at the incense burner found in a Nubian tomb at Qustal.
During excavations of royal tombs of Nubia's Ta-Seti in the early 1960s, archeologists were surprised to find clothing and funerary items which seem to prove cultural continuity with dynastic-Egypt. This find would be of little note if the tombs were from the 25th dynasty. However, the burials are from a period prior to the unification of Egypt.
I must say, however that I felt I needed to respond to his allegations as his videos registered thousands of hits as compared to dozens on my own. Clearly he understands what so many other racist propagandist understand. Scholarly researched articles don't reach the masses; poorly crafted arguments in public venues are much more powerful. In our modern technological world, there are few public venues more accessible than YouTube. This was the reason I offered to debate him in a neutral New York City location.
My racist poster keyed into a very powerful misnomer; the Ancient Egyptians could not be indigenous Africans. Actually, there are a blinding array of facts which prove a native African origin to the Khamites. Starting today we'll begin our weekly installments on The Udjat will make this case. This Saturday, we'll look at the incense burner found in a Nubian tomb at Qustal.

One of the items of note from the royal burials is a carved-ivory incense burner which seems to display sacred animals and boating images reminicent to Kemet's splendid resurrection scenes. Most important, a royal seated figure (center of diagram) clearly wears the Hedjet, of White Crown of Upper Kemet. The burner also includes a image of a building structure meant to reference the entryway of a royal palace (first diagram image).
The Qustul incense burner, which is on display at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, is proof of the native African origin of Ancient Kemet. Our African ancestors left the keys to reclaiming our splendor. We only have to retrace our steps to find them. Shem Hetep!

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