You might ask why return to The Udjat after building a successful television program. Wouldn't the show reach a larger audience? Sure it would. However The Udjat allows us to do something very unique. These posts allow us to keep our readers abreast of the latest news on Ancient Kemet. They also allow us to provide commentary on our contemporary society from the perspectives of our Ancient African, Ancient Kemetic ancestors. The Udjat allows us to truly lead the movement to restore Ma'at!
We are pleased to be able to have a new contributor, Xavier Williams, assist us with providing our readers with material. Xavier is an incredible brother, virtually a model for what African men can be despite all that has plagued us. He is well-educated, but grounded; assertive, but respectful. He has tirelessly worked to develop his understanding of our conditions through diligent study. A voracious reader and eternal student, Xavier is primed to lead an intelligent movement of people of African descent to return to our historical greatness. We are fortunate to have him. Please give him a warm welcome. Brother Xavier's brief biography follows below. Shem em Hetep (Go Forth in Peace)!
Xavier Williams: A Biography

Xavier has an undying love for his pen. His passion for writing was sparked in his late teenage years by teachers who provided him fundamental tools to intelligently articulate his thoughts on paper. He was also heavily influenced by the poetry of many great Hip Hop artists of the late eighties and early nineties. He began writing rap lyrics and poetry and as he entered his adult years he included essay writing into his portfolio of work. He aspires to be a scribe of the highest order and looks at each piece as an opportunity to perfect his craft. His poetry in particular is a fusion of the rhyme patterns found in Rap music and the mechanics of traditional poetry. He has been writing for over 10 years and has composed numerous poems and essays covering social issues, he aims to use his art as a means of provoking thought and positive influencing the world.
Xavier was educated at Bernard Baruch College's Zicklin School of Business, where he obtained a BBA degree with a concentration in human resources management and a minor in English. However his second and most important education began when he watched a interviews of the great African scholars Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan, and Dr. John Henrik Clarke on Gil Noble's "Like It Is". Amazed at the information these men shared about ancient Africa, Xavier developed an unquenchable thirst and hunger to learn everything he could about African history. Consequently, he read the works of these scholars and others including John G. Jackson, Chancellor Williams, Runoko Rashidi, George G.M. James, Walter Rodney, Eric Williams, and Anthony T. Browder.
Xavier recently completed Runoko Rashidi's online course on the Global African Presence and Classical African Civilizations. This year he joined the African Genesis Institute and will sojourn to Kemet as part of the 2012 class.
He currently works for The Associated Press as the Senior HR Administrator where he is involved in recruitment of full-time staff and summer interns along with various aspects of training, development, and diversity. He is excited about this opportunity to contribute to The Udjat and hopes his work will be both informative and inspiring.
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