The opening is part of a new sustainable development program which is intended to attract more tourism to the country and seeks to mitigate the excessive urban development in the area around the pyramids. A tour of the Bent Pyramid will be unique to tours of the pyramids on the Giza Plateau due to the unusual subterranean maze and large vaulted rooms which make up the interior of the structure. Some archeologist even believe that Sneferu's tomb still lies undiscovered within the labyrinth.
The 330 foot Bent Pyramid is critically important to our understanding of Ancient Kemet because it proves that these remarkable structures are the product of African science and engineering—not foreign or alien installations. When we look at the field of pyramids in the vicinity of Cairo which rise like ancient skyscrapers, we are actually seeing the scientific method in process. The first stage of these monuments was possibly the flat "mastaba" (bench in Arabic) tomb, then the magnificent Step Pyramid designed by the multi-genius Imhotep. Sneferu later completes his Pyramid at Meidum (thought to be commenced by the Pharoah Huni) which is believed to have collapsed in ancient times. Sneferu's next monument is called "bent" because its base is built at an angle of 55 degrees and then shifts to a 43 degree angle further up the structure. Many argue that the change in inclination was necessary as the engineers realized that initial angle was too steep to create a stable building. Sneferu's next major pyramid, known as the "Red" Pyramid, is constructed entirely at an angle of 43 degrees. It is probably the first true pyramid.
I am absolutely excited about the possibility of visiting the Bent Pyramid this summer. In my 5 trips to Egypt, I have entered the pyramids of Pharoahs Menkaura and Khafra—the second and third pyramids on the Giza Plateau. NfrKa Ma'at and I are staff members of African Genesis Program; we are blessed to travel to Egypt with dozens of youth of African descent every year! Sound intriguing? If you are an adult of African descent or a child between the ages of 7 and 14, you can also join the 2 1/2 year rite-of-passage program and travel to the motherland for free. Contact me or visit http://www.dzertclub.com for more information. Shem em Hetep (Go forth in peace)!
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